

The Pharmacists Group was formed in 2013 as a sub-group of the BIMDG. The objective was to unite and form a network of pharmacists working in the field of inherited metabolic disease.

The group covers pharmacists working in the UK and Ireland, in paediatric, adult and neuropsychology settings.


The main aims of the group are to:

  • review and develop current ways of working for pharmacists working in inherited metabolic diseases
  • to produce guidelines/ resources/ publications where appropriate
  • contribute a pharmacological perspective to the field of inherited metabolic diseases
  • highlight the growing need for pharmacological input to the inherited metabolic diseases

What we do

The group meets biannually. Once linked to the annual BIMDG conference, and once at a location rotated across the UK and Ireland. Meetings are usually in a workshop format to facilitate discussion.

A group e-mail is used for liaison.


Membership of the group is open to any practicing pharmacist working in inherited metabolic disease. The pharmacist must be a member of the BIMDG.

To become a member contact the group secretary through the contact form.