History and Aims of BIMDG
The BIMDG was formed in 1989.
The first annual meeting was in Bristol in May 1990 where the composition of the Committee was approved. The subject of that meeting was homocystinuria.
A constitution was written and approved by the AGM in the following year, 7 July 1991
Inherited Metabolic Disorders – A Service Vision for Setting Standards of Care and their Provision
Following a Workshop in the Autumn of 2002 in London it was agreed that it was important to set out a vision for how we should start to improve the provision of services for patients with inherited metabolic disorders. Continuing debate, through a number of draft documents, and discussion has meant a long gestation until we have arrived at this final version, published in Autumn 2004.
Committee Members
Chair | Dr James Davison |
Deputy Chairperson | Dr Roshni Vara |
Secretary | Dr Donna Fullerton |
Treaurer/Membership | Ms Marianne Barr |
Dietitian Representative (Paeds) | Ms Rachel Skeath |
Dietitian Representative (Adult) | Ms Louise Robertson |
Nurses Representative (1) | Mrs Liz Morris |
Nurses Representative (2) | Ms Mel McSweeney |
Psychologists Representative | Ms Lynne Aitkenhead |
Adult Clinician Representative | Dr Charlotte Dawson |
Pharmacists Representative | Dr Faiza Adrees |
Trainee Representative (Paeds) | Dr Shona Brothwell |
Trainee Representative (Adults) | Dr Eamon McCarron |
Trainee Representative (Scientific) | Ms Jennie Freestone |
Clinical Scientists Representative | Ms Teresa Wu |
Clinical Scientists Representative | Ms Marianne Barr |
Paeds Clinicians Representative | Dr Sergei Korenev |
Paeds Clinicians Representative | Dr Alison Cozens |
Paeds Clinicians Representative | Dr Julia Raiman |
SSIEM Corresponding members | Dr James Davison |
Bulletin Editor | Mr Greg Toulson |
Lay Trustee | Ms Bernadette O'Reilly |
Webmaster | Dr Nathan Cantley / Dr Darren Powell |