
Liver and Kidney transplantation for IMD – London, June 2025

Liver & liver-kidney transplantation for inherited metabolic disorders – advanced course

12-14 June 2025, London

On behalf of Recordati Rare Diseases Foundation, the scientific organising committee of Roshni Vara, Dino Hadzic, Carlo Dionisi-Vici, Robin Lachmann are pleased to promote the following advanced eductaional course for professionals.

Full programme and online registration:

Deadline for registration: 19th April 2025.

There are a limited number of places - selected participants pay a fee of

  • 350€ - includes 2 nights accommodation + all meals + presentations to take home
  • 245€ - local fee excluding accommodation (includes meals + presentations to take home)

For more information see the flyer below:

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